Q: What's the difference between Mutual of Omaha Plans 1 and 2 and Plans 3E and 3P?
A: Plans 1 and 2 provide Accident-only coverage. Plans 3E and 3P include both Accident and Sickness coverage.
Q: If an event lasts more than two overnights, will the event be covered under Plan 1?
A: No. The entire event is excluded from Plan 1, including travel to and from the event. Additional insurance would need to be arranged from Mutual of Omaha to cover the entire period of the event for all participants.
Q: Must Plan 2 be purchased for Members and nonmembers participating in single-day community events or field trips?
A: It is NOT required to purchase additional insurance for single-day community events or field trips. It is optional to purchase Plan 2-Accident Insurance for nonmembers.
Q: Is there a need to provide coverage for Members under Plan 2?
A: Yes, for events/activities lasting more than two (2) nights (or more than three nights if over an official federal holiday). Plan 2 also covers non-Girl Scout Members for any approved, supervised activity of the Girl Scouts. If covering non-members for a program when the exact numbers are not available, use a reasonable estimate to determine the number of non-member participants.
Q: What is meant by an approved, supervised Girl Scout activity?
A: It is an activity carried out by Members of the Girl Scout Movement, under the supervision of adults, in keeping with the Girl Scout Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints.
Q: If an event begins Friday after school and ends Sunday afternoon, does this meet the definition of a two-night event?
A: Yes, it is covered under Plan 1.
Q: Are program activities, such as cookie sales, covered under Plan 1?
A: Yes, if they are approved and supervised.
Q: Is coverage provided under Plan 1 if Members of our troop travel outside the United States on a Girl Scout project or activity?
A: Yes, only if the trip lasts less than two consecutive nights (three if one of the official federal holidays). For example, a simple day trip to Ontario is covered. Other trips outside the USA would usually involve more than two consecutive nights, therefore, Additional Accident and Sickness Insurance is needed. Plan 3PI is recommended for International Travel, although 3E and 3P are available.
Q: Would coverage be provided under Plan 1 for the medical expenses of a Member who became ill during an approved activity?
A: No. Sickness is not covered; only medical expenses arising out of an accident during an approved, supervised activity are covered. Sickness Insurance, along with Accident Insurance, is only provided for events lasting more than two consecutive nights and only available under one of the Plan 3 options (i.e., Plans 3E, 3P, 3PI).
Q: Are nonregistered adults or other persons assisting the leader covered?
A: Only registered girl and adult Members are covered by the Mutual of Omaha basic accident insurance as a benefit of membership. The only coverage available to non-registered girls and adults, while they are performing duties related to Girl Scouts and during a supervised activity in keeping with Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints, is Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan's general liability insurance.
Q: Are “Tagalongs” (i.e. brothers, sisters, friends) covered under Plan 1?
A: No. If a Tagalong is a registered Member of a different troop but isn't the proper age for the activity and isn't participating in a service project, there's no coverage. For example, a registered Daisy tagging along with the parent who's leading a Cadette troop has no accident coverage. Conversely, a Cadette assisting at a Daisy meeting does have coverage.
Q: What are typical events for which Plan 2 is used?
A: Community events, recruitment events, family events, and programs held in conjunction with other organizations where Girl Scouts is the primary sponsor are just a few events that can be covered under Plan 2.
Q: What are examples of events that could last more than two nights and could be covered by Plan 3E or Plan 3P?
A: GSUSA's Destinations Program, and all sorts of trips and travel, including bike, canoe, white water rafting, etc. are just a few examples that may be covered.
Q: When counting the number of days of an activity/event on the application form, do you include the beginning day and ending day of the event?
A: Yes. Since coverage for travel directly to and from an activity/event is covered, all days, including days traveled, should be included, for example, a group leaves home on Friday afternoon and returns home on Tuesday morning. Coverage must be arranged for five calendar days.