Every three years, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) holds a National
Council Session—also known as NCS. During NCS, elected National
Council delegates representing all 111 councils across the nation, USA
Girl Scouts Overseas, and the National Board, gather to discuss,
debate, and vote on issues important to the Girl Scout Movement and
elect national leaders for the next triennium.
Throughout their three-year term, delegates gather feedback from
their council's membership, learn about proposals, and act as their
council's voice by serving as voting members on the National Council.
Delegates then share insights and report on actions taken by the
National Council with their council's membership at Annual Meetings
and other council events.
NCS is part of GSUSA's national convention, held
every three years. The other part of the convention is a
member-focused event with dynamic, interactive workshops for girls and
adults. This event includes inspiring speakers, exciting adventures,
and opportunities to meet Girl Scouts from around the United States
and the world, sparking forever friendships. The next national
convention is scheduled for July 20–25, 2026, and will take place in
Washington, DC, our nation's capital, which will be celebrating our
country's 250th birthday.
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