Interested parties should submit a proposal via an electronic PDF to both:
Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan (GSSEM) is seeking a qualified professional consulting firm to provide services to complete a needs assessment and feasibility study for GSSEM L.E.A.D. Institute community hubs.
In 2023, GSSEM began planning to create the L.E.A.D. Institute, an education and experience destination that would be in Detroit. GSSEM's L.E.A.D. Institute would welcome Girl Scout members, other youths, families, and community groups to actively engage in tried-and-true Girl Scout leadership development programming.
After an initial internal review, and evaluating location options in Detroit, GSSEM hypothesized that a decentralized version of this institute would be the most appropriate way to accomplish the southeastern Michigan council's goal of serving as a community partner and resource, filling the gaps in educational and recreational opportunities for southeast Michigan's young people.
GSSEM is seeking a qualified consultant to provide conceptual design, site assessment, cost estimation, and community engagement facilitation services for the development of GSSEM L.E.A.D. Institute community hubs.
Interested parties should submit a proposal via an electronic PDF to both:
Monica Woodson
Chief Executive
Katrina Palmer
Chief of Staff
If you have any questions, please email Katrina Palmer at